Advertising in the global marketplace is an incredibly challenging process - an art form, in fact. You are working with typically short punchy headlines and subheads designed to grab the immediate attention of the potential buyer and have them read further and reach a positive buying decision.
To create localized versions of an existing advertisement is a double challenge. We need to maintain a consistent brand identity from country to country or region to region while making the imagery and copy appropriate to the unique sensibilities of the local marketplace.
As the translation agency, we endeavor to create close partnerships with the advertising or marketing agency or the in-house department to ensure that we have a clear understanding of the intent of the campaign in each locale and communicate that to each of our in-country translation teams.
That way, we maintain the correct "look & feel" for the project with the appropriate local "voice". And as part of the process, we always refer the developing proofs back to the client's in-country staff to vet our team's choice of terminology.