Rancho Park
Neighborhood Crime Alert


Recent crimes

6/23/04 Update

The following artist composite was made from the description of the intruder suspect in the June 11 home break-in on Louisiana.

Suspect Description: Male, black, age 19-25, 175 lbs., 6' tall, muscular medium build.

Clothing: White tank top, black running pants, black tennis shoes, black nylon gym bag.

If you have any information regarding this suspect please contact our Senior Lead Officer, Munif Ali, at (Office) 310-575-8423 or Cellular 310-622-3985 or email 8A35@mycingular.blackberry.net.

Please print and share this information with neighbors who may not have internet access.

Any questions or suggestions regarding awarenet? Contact Stan Cheren at 310 470-7488 or awarenet@ranchopark.com . Again, please share this information with your friends in the neighborhood. Thanks.